What Clients Are Saying

"When I decided to seek Maija’s help, I had been getting a persistent ache in my right upper back and had also experienced chronic shoulder pain for over 20 years. My back would start to hurt about halfway through a shift of my work as a massage therapist. The pain made it hard for me to concentrate and I would get so stressed out. I had contemplated finding a different career immediately.

I noticed improvement after our first session, and I continue to feel better and discover new things about my body with each session. I no longer have the persistent upper back ache. I am able to connect to my body and release any tension that does arise easily. I have also become more aware of the subtle shifts within my body and what it is needing in the moment. My chronic right shoulder pain has also decreased so much. I love how CranioSacral Therapy can address the emotional connection to my injury.

During one of our recent sessions when we were working on my right upper body, I had had the feeling and image of a piece of wood that was wedged and stabbing between my shoulder blade and back. I remember talking to Maija briefly about some career changes that I was interested in, but I had been feeling worried about how I was going to transition. Once my shoulder released I had a sense of peace and understanding. I no longer felt the fear of change and I no longer worried about the paths I would have to take. I felt liberated!

I always feel so safe in our sessions, and so much better after them. I feel very comfortable letting Maija know what I need, because I know she will actually listen. I'm definitely not as stressed during work now. Since my body hurts less, I am able to concentrate and be more present. While I'm still considering a slight career shift, I no longer feel stuck. Generally, I feel more flow in my life as a result of receiving CranioSacral Therapy from Maija."

-Jessica Olsen

"I first came to see Maija for Craniosacral Therapy (CST) and Somato Emotional Release (SER), because I was dealing with a lot of physical discomfort in my back and hips brought on by an auto accident. I also had significant long term emotional stress relating to a difficult family situation. For a few years, both of these challenges had a huge impact on my level of motivation and desire to move forward in life.

Maija listens to my verbal complaints, thoroughly addressing each one, but balances that by addressing my body’s cues with effective communication and dialogue with me where I always feel in control. As a result, physically, I have experienced gentle, yet profound releases, and my pain has been significantly reduced with only a few sessions.

Emotionally, the most important thing to me is a safe environment where I can experience release and express myself without fear of judgement. Maija made me feel like she was coming along side me with unconditional support and I was able to release some significant emotions (anger/sadness/disappointment, if you want to be specific) that was/were holding me back. For the first time in years, I am optimistic about the future and no longer feel stuck.

Having received CST from other practitioners, I can honestly say Maija’s approach is gentle, yet confident, effective, without leading, and it is evident that her goal is what is ultimately best for her client and meeting their needs."

-Laura Thompson

"I have been working with Maija for nearly two years and am also trained in level one CST along with being a healthcare professional on the path of lifelong healing and learning. I recognize Maija as a highly skilled and extremely sensitive craniosacral therapist. She has a keen ability to read the body's rhythms and energy flow. Often I experience a deep sense of peace and relaxation following my session with Maija. She has been a big part of my healing journey and will continue to be."

-Christiane French, PA-C